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A business and financial consulting firm since 1978
Home > Services

  1. Personal Financial Planning
  2. Business Strategic Planning and Management
  3. Organizational Management and Structure
  4. Financial Solutions
  5. Training and Workshops
Personal Financial Planning
  • Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Insurance
  • Investments
  • Income Taxes
  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning
Everyone needs a financial plan to prepare for their future and to develop and manage their wealth. The planning process includes developing and implementing a budget, ensuring that there is sufficient insurance coverage, developing an investment portfolio, estimating and preparing income taxes, planning for retirement through 401b, 403b, or IRA plans, and planning an estate.

The key to a successful financial plan is ongoing financial fitness. While FINLION does not underwrite insurance policies, sell securities, or draft wills or living trusts, the firm will work along with insurance agents, investment consultants, and attorneys.

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Business Strategic Planning and Management
  • Business plans
  • Marketing plans
  • Strategic Planning and Management
To form a business, whether it is a solo proprietorship, limited liability company, partnership, or S corporation, a business plan is needed. A business plan serves as a guide and covers several areas of a start-up business such as a market analysis, personnel needed, management, financial planning, strategy, and implementation. In addition, investors expressing interest in the business and financial institutions require business plans before any action is taken.

Ongoing businesses wishing to add a new product or service will need an in-depth marketing plan. A marketing plan includes research, groups of customers to target, competitors, SWOT* analysis, location, advertising, pricing, promotion, and selling. Marketing plans are also incorporated into business plans for both new business startups and ongoing businesses.

* Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

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Organizational Management and Structure
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
Business ownership comes in four categories: solo proprietorship, partnerships, corporations, and most recently, limited liability companies (LLC). Each has its advantages and disadvantages and to decide which type of structure to assume for the business, a cost vs. benefit analysis is needed.

Business tax ramifications are also considered as well as liabilities of owners, partners, stockholders, and managers. Careful consideration should be given prior to deciding which type of ownership will best suit the business venture.

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Financial Solutions
  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Business Income Taxes
A business entity may have a good business plan or product and service but they are not the only factors leading to a successful enterprise. A sound financial solution is required to measure the entity’s success. Strong accounting controls and efficient accounting systems along with effective financial management are a part of the overall picture to many successful businesses. In addition, minimizing business income taxes is every owner’s desire.

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Training and Workshops

In addition to the above, FINLION provides training and workshops in the areas below:
  • Finance for Non-finance Managers
  • Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Mathematics for Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Strategic Planning and Management
  • Leadership and Teamwork
  • The ABC’s of Entrepreneurship
  • The ABC’s of Small Businesses
  • Forming a S Corporation or Limit Liability Company
  • Forming a Nonprofit Organization
  • Nonprofit Organization Board Training
  An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.  
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