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What prevents a manager from reaching his goals? Why didn’t the department meet its yearly targets? How can you get what you want? Why is Oracle a threat to Microsoft? Why do some people have a peace of mind while others don’t? Is it possible for this small business to become a major corporation?

The key to success is not only establishing goals and to develop plans to reach them. There are a number of additional ingredients involved. The chart below shows what is necessary in order for a business to success. All require a certain amount of focus.

Passion - An entrepreneur must have passion in order to go into business. If you do some research on the history of Apple Computer, it all started with passion of two computer wizards Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak. Every successful business started with some kind of passion from the founder(s).

Vision – A vision tells you where you want to go and where do you want to end. Again, Apple Computer had a vision where every home will have a computer.

Mission – A mission statement tells you why the business exists. Nike’s mission is “to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world”. * If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Idea(s) – Ideas of products and services may come into existence but the question is whether they meet the mission of the business. It will not be ideal for Nike to enter the furniture business since Nike is in the shoes and sportswear business.

Goals – Once the four above are met, the next step is to set goals and objectives. Goals should be SMART which means Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely.

Development – Once ideas and goals are in place, the next step is the development process which includes developing a business plan, marketing plan, and doing research and development. Also the business needs to determine whether it has the right human capital, capital such as equipment and facilities, resources, and consumer base.

Strategic Plan – the strategic plan is very much like a football playbook. It is the action plan and involves project management and tactics. It explains how the business will compete and meet the vision. All elements of the business are involved.

Execution – Once the strategic plan is ready, it is time for the business to execute the game plan.

Measure Performance – How well is the execution going? Is the business meeting the objectives established by the CEO and management? Do modifications need to be made? Alignment? Does the firm need more movement, balance, and leverage against competitors?

Success will come if and only if there is complete focus. In order to be focused, you will need the following:
  1. Discipline (build on good habits and change bad habits)
  2. Have you ever visualized yourself as a member of the West Point Academy? How disciplined are the cadets? What about the soldier marching and protecting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? Think about how disciplined they are. They developed good habits through rigorously training. They are more focused once they are disciplined. If you want to be more disciplined, you need to develop good habits and get rid or change bad habits.
  3. Effective crisis, organizational and time management skills (know how to prioritize and quit procrastinating)
  4. If you want to be focused, you need excellent time management skills otherwise what is unimportant will interfere with your focus. You must know how to prioritize. You need a system in place so you can do your job more effective and efficient. Your system will allow you to become more focused.
  5. Up to par proficiency (expand on your current knowledge)
  6. Your focus will hit road bumps. This can happen when you lack certain knowledge or expertise in a subject. You need to invest in proficiency ongoing so the lack of knowledge and experience will not interfere with your focus.
  7. Positive mental attitude
  8. Basically, you need a positive attitude in order to become successful. Sure, you will face roadblocks, failure, and negativity. If you are focused, you will not let them interfere with your process. You can learn from them, make adjustments, and move on. That is what being positive is all about.
  9. Know how to minimize risk and internal control orientated
  10. Everything you do involves risk one way or another but the key is to minimize the risk and at the same time implement controls. With those two in place, you can continue to be focused without having to worry about being interfered.
  11. Physically and mentally healthy
  12. Exercise and proper nutrition come hand in hand. If you are physically healthy, it helps your mind to become healthy also. Being physically and mentally fit gives you endurance and helps you become more focused. Try developing a daily plan until you are disciplined.
  13. Confident, persistent, dedicated, and determined
  14. Again, these are all about attitude. They require you to have a positive attitude and to become more disciplined. You will be able to be more focused if you have strength in each of the four.
  Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.  
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